Saturday, 26 August 2006


I feeling quite liberated with my scrapping at the moment.. Not sure what's happened but feel really connected to it again. Despite various dramas I've been having a fab time recently. Emma and Lou came over for a crop last night, (hope this becomes a regular thing!!) and we had a blast! Haven't laughed so much or so hard for ages! I love that I have friends that I can share this madness with! Thanks girlies! Here's a page I did recently... Blogger won't let me upload more than one image at the moment!! Grrr!


Ann(i)e said...

This is such a FUN lo!! Your dog makes me smile (and I'm not even a dog person!)
I’ve got up to challenge 8 of the Ali E. challenges up. How’s your progress? Have a play when you can!

Tara in AZ said...

Your dog looks so sweet!!! Love the big furry ones.

I was over on Elsie's blog and thought I would stop by.


Beckie said...

You're scrapping is awesome at the moment! Love looking at your stuff and big wet noses!! :)