Monday, 30 June 2008

The local wildlife....

Feeling rather fragile and poorly today, so didn't venture further than the sofa today.... But there was still an opportunity for a picture or two out of the living room window, of this cheeky Grey Squirrel trying to make a sneaky getaway with my peanut feeder! It's a small price to pay for a nice picture though!

I promise i'll have some pages to share soon! Honest!

Sunday, 29 June 2008

It's tough work..

October Afternoon, Thickers, Maya Road Trees..... how could a girl need anything more??

Well...... i might be wrong... Just spent the weekend playing with Basic Grey Euphoria... and it's even better once you get it on the page! Come back tomorrow for the evidence! I might jast have to sneak off to do one more page! While I do, here's a couple of pics from today...

Saturday, 28 June 2008

The Early Bird...

Up bright and early this morning to get my mits on the New Studio Calico kit, had a fab early morning chat to Anita and Sandie over MSN to compare our shopping! Then out in the garden with Martha to catch the lovely early morning light. It's been stunning all day today, nice and bright and sunny, but not toooo hot, so the girls were happy too!

Quick pages are often the most satisfying, and this one literally took a half hour at the Crop on Wednesday. Some scraps of October Afternoon, some gorgeous BG and Doodlebug alphas, and a few flowers and i'm sorted!

Anyone for Chocolate?

I'm newly addicted to Maya Road Chipboard Trees - had a couple in the June Studio Calico Kit and i think i *need* more!

Loads of October Afternoon on this one, plus some Fancy Pants buttons and of course a generous sprinkling of Thickers!
Couple of shots of a very thin looking Martha... she's almost totally blown coat now and is resembling a huge Flatcoat! My one consolation is that the new Brown coat is a scrummy rich chocolatey colour... Yum!

Thursday, 26 June 2008


More Studio Calico goodness today! I love the little 'FAQ' stamp and it's definately appropriate for a much asked question! Martha loves barking on command (and quite frankly at any other moment too!), but especially if treats are involved!

The yellow paper on this one is a Daisy D's sheet and it was actually my least favourite in the kit, but this was actually the first one i used! Ironic! The little bird is a printed tag featuring a stamp that came in the kit, but not one to waste something pretty, thought it was perfect for this page!

A few up close and personal pictures with Martha Moo to share today as well!

Wednesday, 25 June 2008


I'm loving the apple theme on these October Afternoon papers and rub-ons. And although it doesn't feature in the photos, Martha is a real 'Fruit Monster!' Not only the Raspberry exploits from the weekend, but also anything else she can get her jaws around!

This page is mostly using the June Studio Calico kit plus a few bits and pieces from my stash. I've got way too many flowers so trying to sneak a couple onto every page!
As predicted by Anita, here's my pictures for today.... in the dark! One nice sensible shot of a Newfy.....

Or one of those 'new fangled' chop half the head off portraits... strangely... i quite like it!

Tuesday, 24 June 2008

Her Soundtrack...

New Challenge today at A True Friend, and this time the theme is 'Your Pet's Soundtrack'. I'm always finding appropriate song titles for my pages and indeed often singing to the girls too!

I think the song 'Splish Splash' is pretty appropriate for the girls, especially Martha! (Disclaimer.... i don't remember the song personally!! I can only blame my mother!)

Just realised i've not put any journalling on this one..! Shock Horror! I guess I'll have to hope that a picture really does tell a thousand words!

Another new cutie in the Forest today... soooo wobbly!

Monday, 23 June 2008

In demand..

I know those gorgeous little October Afternoon rubber charms are in high demand, (especially among the Studio Calico girlies!) so i though i'd share a page using one! I've actually used two more, but one's on a page that needs to stay hidden till tomorrow and one needs photographing rather than scanning!

This page also features KI Memories lace cardstock, Sassafras Embellishments, October Afternoon paper and a pile of various blooms. There is also one of those oh so cute Deer from the October Afternoon Rub-ons and some Thickers to finish! The little block of lined papers is the packaging from the rubber charms...

Another Shetland baby arrived too.... what a cutie!

Plus this little guy who just wanted cuddles!

Sunday, 22 June 2008

Just call her Ray Mears!

Gorgeous day today (amazingly!) so Martha went on a little foraging mission around Sandie's garden... she spotted her lovely Raspberry plants and started munching away! She was very delicate, pulling only the perfectly ripe ones off the plant leaving all the delicate little stems and unripe fruit in-situe.

Before she finished them all i had to rescue one to grab a quick picture!

And to wind up the weekend i've got a page to share! (again!)

Getting to be a habit!

Another page to share to today! This one features some of the WeR Memory Keepers Decorative Snaps and Eyelets as well as some gorgeous Cosmo Cricket Blackboard. The paper and that splendid rub on is BasicGrey. The journalling is teeny weeny, so think it deserves an explanation!

To prevent arguments over treats or biscuits, I like too say each dogs' name as I give them the treat.... that way they know i'm being fair! But just lately Martha won't even sniff hers if I forget to say it! Least of all take it, just in case it's not for her!

Plus.... one weeny donkey for your viewing pleasure!

Saturday, 21 June 2008


First a page to share, Sandie and I set ourselves a challenge of using this particular rub-on at the bottom of this page... and I think Martha's reaction to water is perfect for it! Even if it's not hot, once she decides she wants a drink (even if her last drink was 5 mins ago) she has to have it NOW!! If I don't/can't oblige straight away we get all sorts of melodramatic histronics!

Of course submerging yourself in water is the ideal solution... water through every pore (and paw!) This is as deep as the water got yesterday, but she still managed to be drenched from head to toe! Quite a talent!

No such drama from this little guy! He's grown loads since I last spotted him!

Thursday, 19 June 2008

Lola and Lisa

I hope she won't mind me posting these, but this is Lola's great pal, Lisa from Dorset Aqua Dogs, Lola loves her hydrotherapy all the more now she's free to paddle about to her hearts content! Another landmark today, she deemed it suitable to trot up the ramp fro the pool! Yay for Lola!

Wednesday, 18 June 2008

We've got issues....

Issue 1 that is!! The launch issue of Creativity Life hit the office today (and will be hitting stores on the 1st July) and it's gorgeous! We're pretty proud of her and we hope you'll love her too! Keep your eyes peeled for it in a store near you soon!

Today's pics are cows!! I love these so much but even I didn't want to get too close so i was pretty grateful for a long lens!

Tuesday, 17 June 2008

Makeover and Making Friends!

I'm a very lucky girl because I'm the first to get my mits on this yummy little device... but i've been sworn to secrecy to reveal any more than a glimpse! But the most important bit about this sneak is of course immediately obvious! Loving the sexy new look - who could resist!?

After taking Martha for a little paddle this evening, I was taking a few snaps of the Donkeys up in the forest when a whole herd decided that Martha resembled a donkey too so rushed over to say hello! Martha was way more worried than the Donkeys, and after they'd decided she was indeed a dog afterall with some determined sniffing and kissing they wandered off!

Monday, 16 June 2008

Rather lucky...

I think that it's rather lucky being 5 minutes from all of this.... The girls agree!

Sunday, 15 June 2008

Gorgeous Girl

Just my oh so pretty girl!

Saturday, 14 June 2008


I've been stalking the evergrowing expecting Shetlands up at Fritham for weeks and weeks now and i was rewarded today with the first of the foals! This little person was soooo cute! They'd drawn quite a little crowd of weekend visitors, but i'm pleased to say everyone kept a respectful distance from this new mum.

I was starting to think all the NF foals this year were bay and chestnut (the local stallions i've seen are all these colours proving their genetic strength!) with just the odd iron grey and dark brown baby.... but today i also spotted the first Skewbald foal! Gorgeous!!

And not to be left out here's a classic NF scene... typical mummy and baby enjoying the spring breeze!

Praise where praise is due!

Placed a wee order with ScrapRevolution on Thursday at 8am and i was pleasantly surprised to have it plop unceremoniously onto my doormat at 9am on Friday.... Now that's what I call service!

Friday, 13 June 2008

Another one bites the dust!

You can tell it's Friday the Thirteenth when you take a swim with your mobile phone! You'd have thought i'd have learnt after the iPod fiasco (which is still going strong by the way!) but noooooo..... I jumped straight in with Martha and totally forgot about it! I think though I may have asked for it though, I was moaning this morning about how my mobile wasn't holding charge very well.... it certainly isn't now!!

Anyway i've taken the opportunity to give notice on my contract and go 'Pay as you Go' to save a few pennies. Now all i need is a sturdy flip phone with decent call/text prices... any ideas?

A few shots of cutie-pie Martha romping round the garden this arvo... She's blowing coat at the moment (and was still wet in these pics) so is looking a little bit disheveled! I combed out enough coat this morning to create another Newfie! (I promise to try and take some more pics of her in her bib as well... as per requests!)

And to finish some pretty pink flowers! I have no idea what they are but i especially like the little buds waiting to burst open.