Thursday, 31 January 2008
31 days....
Wednesday, 30 January 2008
Tuesday, 29 January 2008
People (who haven't met my girls in person) are always asking just how big they are.... well this is Martha who can easily each the middle of the (rather tall) kitchen table! She's a right skinny bean still but after weighing her on Friday she weighs 62.2kg (that's 137lbs in old money!) and she's only just hit 13 months. That's just a little bit less than Lola, even taking into account her slight spread after her resting from her ops and shes at least 3 inches taller! What a great beast!
Monday, 28 January 2008
Giant tongue + news?
Here's my page, I just adore Love Elsie ribbons, and keep them all securely stuffed in one of my more capacious tote pockets so I've always got them to hand!
Sunday, 27 January 2008
I lost my Lost Prophets!!
I've got no idea where they went from my post a couple of days age.... but here they are again!
Composition 101
So as I was shooting merrily away, taking advantage of some families kindly feeding the birds, I noticed that a group of people had started to gather either side of me, shooting the same direction as me with their compacts! It seemed like they thought that as I had a large lens, I I clearly had the best vantage point and that standing within 18 inches of me was the only way to go! I popped my lens cap on as I finished and as I turned around to leave, I nearly wiped out a little Japanese lady with a teeny camera with my camera bag! She must have been within inches of me!
Saturday, 26 January 2008
Loving this at the moment!
Although Nick assured me it wasn't new, I heard this for the first time on Radio 1 the other morning and really like it!
Look into the light!
Friday, 25 January 2008
Martha's Cheer Squad
Thursday, 24 January 2008
Just call me Jacques Cousteau!
Lola thoroughly enjoyed the second of her biweekly hydrotherapy sessions, and I got almost as wet as her as usual!
I made another little purchase last week, that arrived yesterday and it had it's first outing today. Although Martha knows exactly how to walk nicely to heel, she's at that naughty teenager stage and weighing in at about 10stone when she gets a bit excited to see other dogs, she can get a bit strong, so I've invested in a Dogmatic. It's an absolute revelation! It's now absolutely no effort to walk her and is a lot more relaxing for us both, i'm thinking that walking calmly is the best way to train her that walking calmly is a good thing!!
Rollercoaster of emotion.
But then a little ray of sunshine entered my world. A teeny silver lining to my cloud... the wonderful new PINK iPod Nano has just been announced! And come pay day it was to be mine! So all was good with the world... and then i thought 'I'll just have a little look at my old one..' and after much peering I spotted something untoward about the socket.... there appeared to be something lodged inside! So (and don't try this at home kids!!) I had a little probe with my pokey tool. And out came.... a teeny collection of dog chew bits!!!
I really shouldn't be surprised....
So i've saved £130 quid.... but i'm a bit sad that my life won't have this little nugget of goodness.....
Wednesday, 23 January 2008
Rosy posy pie!!
Spent the afternoon at work playing with the fab Two Scoops from Basic Grey, I adored it straight away and think I could us it for ever!!! I can't share my pages yet though!
I've been far too lazy this evening to go to the crop, but i'm sure the girls are still having fun! I've been out every day this week and i'm knackered!! Must be getting old!
Tuesday, 22 January 2008
Extreme close up...
Monday, 21 January 2008
No news...
Lola went to hydrotherapy this evening, I think she's really getting to enjoy it now, and it's quite wonderful to see her amazing swimming action - Newfs swim differently to other dogs, it's much less frantic and very stylish! She knows exactly where she's going before she gets there and gets very excited!
So it's been pouring down here again this evening. So i've got a damp picture of Martha today.
My lovely clean kitchen floor, is like a big puddle again!! Hey ho!
Sunday, 20 January 2008
If I had to do the same again, I would, my friend, fernando!
After arriving at work at 8am, there was a sad little duck sitting in the middle of our car park (right in the path of the huge lorries!), and after Nick and I tried to usher him out of the way we noticed that he had a poorly leg - the poor little mite was hopping along. Little Fernando (yes... we just had to name him!) decided the safest place to take sanctuary was under Nick's car! So after calling the RSPCA, while we were waiting we wondered if he might like to get his strength back with a little snack, and although we didn't have any bread, a bit of a plain sponge angel cake went down a treat. Later in the morning the RSPCA inspector arrived and after extracting him from under the car with a net, she seemed to think his prognosis was unsure - she thought his leg and maybe his wing was broken, but she promised to call us to let us know his outcome. After waiting all day, and even after trying to find out how he had fared, we were still none the wiser. So i'm hoping some news will be waiting on my voicemail in the morning at work... if not I won't be a fan of the RSPCA! So here's to Fernando!! This posts' for you!
Saturday, 19 January 2008
Martha of course loves it though and is working on digging her own lake in the garden ! Her trench is gradually filling up, so she can now enjoy a little paddle whenever she fancies!
Friday, 18 January 2008
Thursday, 17 January 2008
Wednesday, 16 January 2008
What a hoot!
Tuesday, 15 January 2008
Insert random Clanger whistling here!
Monday, 14 January 2008
Jammies.... and a scarf!
Sunday, 13 January 2008
Saturday, 12 January 2008
What a difference a day makes!
My canvases are just drying so I can't share yet, but they're looking nice and simple but really striking!
Spent a bit of today learning a new technique! It's quite time consuming, but i'll hope to share that tomorrow too!
Friday, 11 January 2008
Monsoon season!
Sadly though it was a bit rough even for Martha! I've got some mini canvases planned, that i'm hoping to make a start on tonight, i'm going to use a couple of inspirig words and a whole lot of acrylic paint... i'll aim to show you tomorrow!
Thursday, 10 January 2008
Anyone for a pun? Water palavar!
With Lola is Lisa from the very fantastic Dorset Aqua Dogs. Lola loves Lisa and Suze, especially when she gets her after swim bath and blast!!
Wednesday, 9 January 2008
Just a quickie!
Tuesday, 8 January 2008
Martha Resolves?
7 swans a swimming...
Monday, 7 January 2008
Hair today... gone tomorrow!
Martha is currently going through a rather fun process, which can only fully be appreciated by other Newfie owners (i'm sure Kat will agree with me!) Its known as blowing coat. Now this isn't a simple moulting process, it's a little bit more dramatic! On Saturday bits of Martha's coat started to come out in little clumps, the next day it seems like her entire huge fluffy puppy coat has erupted to the surface and with just a bit of encouragement explodes over every surface! So i've spent the last 2 evenings combing out literally armfuls of coat... i think i've got her hair trapped everywhere, in my eyeballs, and up my nose, thank goodness I'm not allergic and thank god for Dysons! The coat left behind is definitely not huge at the moment, but it's a gorgeous chocolaty brown - beautiful, but thankfully she's got a couple of months to grow a bit more before Crufts!
Now i'm sure owners of other breeds reading this will be saying.... 'ah yes, my dog moults, she's making such a fuss, how bad can it be?' Well put it this way, the pile of hair has been at least equal to the size of a Newfie each evening! Gotta love em!
Sunday, 6 January 2008
At last!
Found some fab round canvases yesterday and used one for my next project on the A True Friend blog. It should be up in the next few day, so keep an eye out! I had lots of fun with it and think I may have to go back and grab a few more!
Saturday, 5 January 2008
Housekeeping - Newfie Style
I've used some Love Elsie -Zoe as well as some Hambly and Bam Pop.
Back later with my picture of the day!
Friday, 4 January 2008
The nose knows...
Rain also means more indoor pictures, i love my 50mm lens but it's quite a feat getting Martha in focus with such a narrow depth of field, with her bouncing around! And there's plenty of slobber to see (which I know Jo will love if she's reading!! Haha) Here's hoping I can get out and about tomorrow!
Day 4 of the AL Calendar will be uploaded tomorrow now, i've got a great picture in mind to use for this one!
I'm keeping quiet at the moment, but I'll have some news to share soon... so watch this space.. It's all quite exciting!!
Thursday, 3 January 2008
So... where's my snow?!
Wednesday, 2 January 2008
My name is Katy and I'm a Scenic Route Addict...
The picture is of Martha's lovely big brown snout, taken with my new wide angle lens - so it looks even more massive then it is! This is the view I get when I come home just before I literally get a big bear hug from her! She's such a cuddly bun! Way sillier about cuddles than any of the previous 3. Lola is pretty silly, but she's a kisser!
Day 2... Back to Work
Tuesday, 1 January 2008
Just stop blogging!!!
2 posts in one day??!
Happy New Year!!
I've also been having a play with my amazing new ultra wide angle lens. It's a Sigma 10-20mm and is insanely wide!! Love the converging verticals on the first one (yes the sky really was that white!!) and getting up close to Martha in the second. Can't believe the detail you can see on her big snout!
One of my many resolutions is to blog daily.... there's a prize for the person who guesses closest to when i break the resolution! But i warn you!! I'm stubborn!