Three things that I'm loving at the moment... the first is above!
1. A friend at work recommended the 'Joco Looks Back' album by the amazing Jonathan Coulton and I dutifully downloaded from iTunes... and I wasn't disappointed! The whole album is awesome, but with Christmas galloping towards us the track above seemed apt to share.. but you HAVE to check out Re: Brains as well!
2. I was lucky to get the heads up on a code for a free box from the Graze. Basically you sign up and once a week (or however often you like) you get a wonderful little box containing nuts, seeds, fresh and dried fruit in the post. I've signed up to get mine delivered to work and it certainly caused quite a stir in the office! The selection was wonderful and I wasn't even tempted to visit the office tuck box, instead tucking into dried raspberries, spicy almonds and more!
Even better, if you'd like to try a free box, I have a code to share too! Simply sign up and use code - DQHY7HHA to get your first box free!
3. How I met your Mother. E4's new comedy offering is pure class... I'd go so far as to say it's MUCH better than Friends (especially when you've seen all the episode 25 times!) The highlight has to be Neil Patrick Harris (he was Dooge Howser MD back in the day!) who is simply hilarious! I urge you to check it out
Friday, 6 November 2009
Three Things...
Thursday, 29 October 2009
Bad, bad blogger...
With Halloween looming I'm hoping for some good weather on Saturday so I can get out in the garden to grab some pics of the girls with strategically placed Pumpkins! I managed to grow one of my own this year, so I'm especially proud! I definately need some up to date Halloween pics to use up some lovely themed stash that I just can't resist buying!
Until next time....
Saturday, 22 August 2009
X-Factor Returns!
I'm not ashamed to admit that I love the X-Factor and I think tonight (on the very first show) we may have seen the winner!
Thursday, 13 August 2009
Dropped off the face of the earth!

120809 Jowls
Originally uploaded by *karlotta*
It's been a while, so in a vain attempt to get back to regular blogging I thought i'd share a pic of the Brown Bear. As usual Martha loves having her photo taken and gets quite excited hence a bit of barking and plenty of jowl flapping!
I've just had the September issue of Creativity magazine hit my desk and it looks fantastic in the flesh! It won't hit the shops for another couple of weeks yet, but keep an eye out then for it!
Went out for a much needed evening out with the team last night, we enjoyed a yummy mexican meal and plenty of raucous laughter to go along with it! Of course I forgot my camera so perhaps thankfully there is no evidence!
Thursday, 6 August 2009
Thursday, 9 July 2009
Twit Twoo!
I've been incredibly busy the last couple of weeks - getting stuck into writing/creating for the next issue of Creativity Life magazine (the current issue is just out BTW - now every other month inside the pages of Creativity Magazine) hence my sporadic blogging recently! I'm trying to fill the gaps with a bit of Twittering though (there is a link to follow me over in the side bar). Twitter is rather addictive and while I don't have the luxury of an iPhone (or the much lusted after Nokia G1 that my brother keeps tauntung me with!) the next best thing is Tweetdeck, a desktop application that manages your feeds a treat! I think my favourite Tweeter at the moment is James Moran who wrote last nights awesome third episode of Torchwood : Children of Earth. I won't post any spoilers here, but suffice to say if you've not seen it you NEED to get you bum over to iPlayer to catch up!
Friday, 3 July 2009
Feeling hot, hot, hot!
The girls have of course been feeling the heat too, they've been drifiting about either propped in front of the fan, or wingeing to have their paddling pool filled up!
The pic on the page below was from a couple of weeks ago, but you get the gist! (the page is new though! Yay for me for getting it scanned!)
Of course a bit of sun means I could get out in the garden for a few pictures!
Thursday, 25 June 2009
Not so deadly...
The pond is in bloom...
And of course some indeterminate shrubs...
And of course I grabbed a few pics of Martha Moo enjoying the sun...
There's another page of Martha at Scrap Schemes... the new challenge went live a little while ago and this is my offering...
Monday, 22 June 2009
Update Fail...
I'm been on a week's holiday from work and I do have a couple of pages to share once I pull my finger out and get them scanned but in the meantime here's my page from the new challenge at A True Friend!
Wednesday, 10 June 2009
Terrible Twos?
The rows of plants/trees were just perfect for the scheme this time around.
I'm also continuing to make great in roads into the chipboard number pack that came with a Studio Calico kit recently as well as diggin out some ancient 7-Gypsies tapes!