Monday, 18 August 2014

Note to self - Be proud.

We all have those days where we are self critical - if you're anything like me it's likely to be most days, but sometimes something reminds you that you've achieved some good things. We've just launched a new website at work and along with being rather fantastic and very stylish looking (as well as super-inspirational!) there has been a behind the scenes change that all our videos are hosted on You Tube so lots of vids that haven't been on You Tube so far, have recently popped up in my feed.

I've been making videos at docrafts for years. Like 8 or 9 years but just a few years ago I started hosting our crafting web TV series (It's just been re-launched as In The Studio)  and I've watched a couple of old episodes over again. And it reminded me of a little journey I've been on.

Here's a screen grab from the latest episode - It features a really fun die birdhouse pet pot project using the Xcut Cuckoo Clock die by lovely Lou Collins - you'll have to excuse my 'cray' fringe - it was 35 degrees in the studio so it's a miracle we're still standing!

I hate watching myself on camera and after watching an episode once it's all edited and uploaded I tend to try to avoid revisiting them, but for old times sake I settled down to watch a bit of a couple from a year or so ago...

Quite a difference hey? And while I hate seeing myself in these older vids - it's made me proud. Proud of my determination, my achievements and proud that I seem much happier and more confident in the most recent videos. My weight loss has truly changed my life and while more recently feeling proud has been more about knocking time off my 5km or running 15km (yep you read that right!) I need to remember that I'm allowed to be proud of my other achievements too. Note to self - be proud more often.