Wednesday, 23 June 2010

Raffia Obsessive

I have to admit that at the moment I’m a little bit obsessed with Raffia. I hold my hands up and admit that when I got my first pack I poo-pooed it slightly, but after giving it a try, I’m totally converted. It can do everything ribbon and thread can do, but it’s more tactile, more versatile and generally more gorgeous! I’m also yet to find a project that doesn’t suit it and to that end you might be seeing quite a lot of it from me at the moment!

Notable examples are this page which was project of the week at docrafts last week  (a nice simple knotted piece in lieu of ribbon)
And this one which is for the new challenge at A True Friend.

If you are a member of the Creativity Club at docrafts you'll have seen lots more, but I'm forbidden from sharing those here!

What's your must have item at the moment?