As promised I'm back with a few pages to share from the last couple of months, there are more of course, but this is a sample of what I have in my 'waiting to go in albums' pile!
First up are a couple of Martha, who at three has just finished her last (I hope) growth spurt - she's shot up another inch and now weighs 72kg! She's currently going through her spring moult and it's like hair city round here! I fear for the dyson's life!

Next up are the chooks! My chicks that I hatched in the summer are now huge, particularly the three orpingtons! This is Roy my cuckoo orp, who had to go to live on a farm when he started to crow. He was such a big cuddly lad!

One of the other chicks is Prudence (a blue orp) who I think might be becoming my favourite (shhhh!).

The last page is from my first summer with the chooks - just a fave pic that was buried at the bottom of my photo-file and which was dug out recently!

And of course the end result - these are from my bantam hens (pics on my flickr) - the eggs are proudly stored on an egg-skelter which is exactly what it sounds like!

Most of the pages are using various Studio Calico kits as I've tried to regin in my spending a tad whilst I've been so busy recently and hate to see unused stash building up!!
I realise that I've failed to photograph a Lola page, but suffice to say she's safe and sound! After all the trauma of her cruciate injuries/surgery she's now almost at full fitness - there will always be a little uneveness in her gait, but she's able to gallop about with her sister so I can't complain!
As predicted the clocks going forward were a total treat! After a lovely sunny day the evening was marred with a bit of drizzle, but it certainly gave a hint of lovely long evenings to come!!