Sunday, 1 October 2006


Had SUCH a blast at Scrap Camp, the highlight (apart from meeting the lovely Jo!) was of course Elsie's class. It was totally inspiring and I think i might have to do a bit more doodling today before anything else!! There is a peek on Elsie's blog of the pages we did but here's one of well as a page I completed after.. And here's a pic of 3 Sunset Scrappers meeting the woman herself!


ally said...

fab lo's i love the doodling one. Also love the name rodney for your car, so cute!
Great to see fellow scrapmates as well.

Cath said...

Superb LOs!

Beckie said...

Great lo's katy and cool name for the car. Ooo was gonna post something but it's a bit rude!!Hee Hee!