Monday, 13 March 2006

New day, new blog!

Well I bit the bullet and created my own blog... I can't promise to have something inspiring to say every day, but you can be sure there will be a little bit of scrapbooking and a whole lot of Newfies! Often together!

I'm still getting over an exhausting day up at Crufts on Thursday! 6 hours driving isn't my idea of fun although I did discover the rather fabulous Moto M&S on the M40. This fab place even has a doggy refreshment area!

Lola was a little star at the show, dutifully looked cute and demure as all the punters stopped for a stroke and had a great time eyeing up all the boy newfies! She took third place in her class so we came away rather pleased!


Anonymous said...

Lola was an absolute star at Crufts. A total sweetie... plus she's very generous with her big newf kisses

Emma said...

I can safely say that Katy is Newfy mad! With her scrapbooking pages packed with her family (doggies) you will enjoy looking here everyday!!

(Working with her everyday is just dog crazy!)


Anonymous said...

Katy is not only newf mad she's mad generally!

Anonymous said...

I'd have to agree with the last comment.