Saturday, 1 November 2008

Halloween in Pictures...

Halloween means junk food overload so to kick things off I treated the fun guys and girls at work to a few seasonal goodies including a pretty amazing cake! We were very good and waited till our mid-morning tea break, but we had been eyeing it up for about 3 hours!!

The sugar rush clearly had the expected result.... it's one of those 'You don't have to be bad to work here, but it helps' moments!
After work we enjoyed some rare Autumn sun (as it went down though!!) So in my own little version of AutumnWatch, I bring you... Autumn colour in the New Forest...
A Fallow stag...
And a VERY friendly New Forest pony - he tried to eat my coat while I took the tree pic!
Back at home the Halloween festivities just had to start! I had actually made some Halloween cards, but forgot to photograph before giving away! Decorations first... pumpkin garlands...
...ghosty tea light holder...
...and actual Pumpkins...
Next refreshments... as well as classic Halloween fare, we had mini cakes with teeny clones on top...
A delicious spiders web cake...
... and scary juices in scientific flasks!!
Martha preferred a more substantial snack... and gnawed on a severed limb!!!
Of course dressing up was compulsory, and the most photogenic was Martha... my little pumpkin!
Happy Halloween for yesterday everyone!


Anita said...

So love the piccies from Halloween Katy! x

Unknown said...

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha...wish I was invited over for the PARTY!