Monday, 23 March 2009

The sun has got his hat on...

This weekend seemed to herald the start of Spring - with just a few days to go until the clocks change a couple of gorgeous warm days certainly makes the weekend go faster. Once a bit of sun appears the masses seem to descend on all those places that I've enjoyed peace and quiet at for the last several months - hoards of people with dogs who seem to have hibernated all year suddenly hit the Forest. But for my girls it's business as usual...
Even my little nemesis the Mandarin ducks were in a good mood - paddling demurely across the lake just nipping into range for a cute picture.
A little bit of sun is also the perfect chance to grab a few pictures of some colourful displays popping up in the garden - all of which seem to have survived being stomped by Newfie paws! Primroses... these ones grow wild in the garden...
The odd stray dandelion...
And a gorgeous Magnolia  - this one is a Stellata.
Of course it all turned out too good to be true and this morning saw a return to dreary weather... which inturn sees the return of indoor photos taken this evening... hey ho!
In happier news though I've just found a batch re-size feature on Photoshop Elements that has just speeded up blogging no end!
I leave you with a quick page (mostly using last months Studio Calico kit)


Alison said...

Lovely photo of the pink Primroses, havn't seen any our way yet!

Debbie said...

Love the picture of Martha crashed out on the carpet.