Saturday, 27 March 2010

Has spring sprung?

It's funny the things that can spurn you into action... a little email from blogger today telling me all about their new blog templates has been just the push I needed to fire up my blog! I've had a little tweak, but I think I need to spend a bit more time freshening things up around here with a new header etc, but if it gets me blogging it has to be a good thing.

As you can imagaine I'm full of excuses about being totally swamped at work and at home. At work we're furiously working on our new website (coming soon!) and signing off the next issue of the magazine and at home the critters are keeping me busy!

I had a laptop fail a little while back and while I managed to keep up with taking pictures for my 365, my editing and uploading to flickr have suffered. I've been squeezing a bit in here and there and it feels really good to say I've just finished uploading images to get me right up to date!

Tomorrow is traditionally my favourite day of the year... It's time to change the clocks!!! That extra hour of light that we get tomorrow is so uplifting (even though it might mean an extra hour of rain!). After a horrendously cold (for the soft south!) and wet winter which has resulted in a quagmire of a garden the few glimspes of sun haven't been ignored! I've grabbed my chances to snap a few pics of the first signs of spring!

I guess the only  thing left ot catch up on are some layouts! But I'm saving that till tomorrow!

1 comment:

Sarah (UKS Smelly) said...

Welcome back Katy. Glad spring is in the air for you. Take care