Tuesday, 7 October 2008

How I love thee Sassafras... aka the post of many brackets!

Sassafras Lass (or do we drop the Lass nowadays? - I always liked old skool so i'm keeping it!) seem to dare to tread where the rest of us can only dream... after the owl trend hit a couple of years ago (i *think* we have to credit Hambly with that one) we all joked how snails, hedgehogs, toadstools or lobsters would be the next big thing... well rather than just joke about it, Sassafras (damn... I caved.. it was quicker to type!) make it so... (in a Jean luc Picard kinda way - or am i showing too much geek with this one?). The new ranges include all of the above (except the lobsters) and somehow it's always cool and not at all twee or cutesy. I bow to thee all conquering Sassafras Lass!
btw.... my page uses some yummy SFL (hurrah for acronyms!) along with a light sprinkling of October Afternoon and... yes, you guessed it... Woodgrain Dymo!

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