Tuesday, 21 October 2008

iGoogle.... Do you?

Once you get used to iGoogle it becomes a little bit like your mobile phone, your car or your iPod.... you wonder how you ever got along without it. That one little page set as your homepage will let you fire quick posts up to your blog, let you Twitter (see further down on the sidebar for more info on that), lets you keep track of all your favourite blogs and also gives you access to a multitude of other essential applications...
Here's a quick list of my favourites widgets!
1. Google Reader - Blog Hop the easy way.
2. Blogger - Blog the quick and easy way without even leaving your homepage.
3. iTwitter - Instant access to share what you are doing right now with the world
4. Wikipedia - The essential resource to find out anything... fast
5. Curency Converter - Make sure your US shopping is as cheap as you hope it's going to be!
6. Weather - Track the upcoming weekend weather to help you get through your week.
7. Daily Horoscope - I don't believe a word of it..... but still HAVE to read it!
8. Word of the Day - I'm always up for the challenge of sneaking this into casual conversation!
9. Quotes - Mildly inspiring, often poignant and always fun.
10 News Headlines - Keep your finger on the pulse... great for sounding 'up to the minute' knowledgeable!
If that isn't enough you can also have a gorgeous 'theme' for your page. Recently a whole new batch were released and I can't tell you how happy I was to find a 'Paul Frank' one in the mix. The main header pic changes every so often to a selection of fabulous designs! Here's a few from today!


Emma said...

Hmmmm....gonna check it out!

Jo said...

errm.. technically challenged person here.. do I need an ipod??? or is it computer based?
I know.. thicky or what!!! lol

Katy said...

Hi Jo! It's a web browser application from Google!

Jo said...

oooooooooohhhhh I see.. told you I was a technophobe!!

Kirsty Wiseman said...

i have almost identical homepage widgets as you!