Wednesday, 5 May 2010


A couple of weeks ago I fired this up....
And a couple of weeks later, this happened...
And after several hours of agonising waiting... these emerged!

Apologies for the terrible chick pics, but my rather dull garage doesn't make for good photography conditions and chicks and flash don't really go together!! I'm sure I'll have more pics as they grow up though!

These girls (fingers crossed!) will grow up to be Gold Laced Orpingtons, Silver Laced and Gold Laced Wyandottes, Lavander Araucana, Salmon Favorelle and Blue Hamburgh.

A couple of weeks ago I met a totally different, but equally cute little person!

Meet Morris! A gorgeous little Maine Coon kitten owned by Carol and Alex who is certainly going to be a big lad!


Carole said...

Yaaaaay!!! Katy has posted! Welcome back Katy! Such cute chicks! I didn't know they came in grey, I thought they were all yellow!!!

Very scary photo of little Morris - he looks so fierce with his fangs out!!! Bless him.

Keep up the good work! I'll be back tomorrow!

Carole x

Sally said...

Awwww those chicks are so sweet - and the kitten - could eat him!

Gillian said...

Hi Katy - been directed here by Sandie who's on my UKS team to see the very cute chicks. I'm a great hen-lover too, although we're down to one at the mo. Hoping to get some more pullets next weekend, though prob. hybrids rather than pure breeds!