I'm not precious about scraps, if they are teeny weeny, i'm happy to admit they are beyond being useful and consign them to the recycling bin. But some scraps I find a bit more difficult to part with - Scenic Route is one, and Sassafras is another. And i'm really glad about that. Sometimes a few little bits and pieces can be the perfect starting point to a page. Even better because somehow the smaller the scraps the quicker the page.
So if you have a nice selection of little scraps (maybe the left overs from a monthly kit) whip them out and create a fast page... link them here letting me know if you found scraps made you speedy too!
I love that layout and of course, those photos are just unreal. Made me giggle! :) I have no idea how you manage to live with all that drool *grin*.
Another Laura posting now!
I love this LO and am totally nicking this idea, I love it!
Also....I forgot to thank you for the chicken comment last week! lol. I am even more concerned than I once was about the potential egg "going off" risk! I would love to have some chooks in our garden, but we only have a basic patio really and I just don't think it's really a "London thing", maybe one day though x
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