Friday, 13 February 2009

Back to Reality...

Thanks so much for all the messages and well-wishes. I've been laid low with Flu and only staggered back to reality today - i've been sharing my 365 pics over at Flickr still, but they aren't terribly thrilling... there's only so much photographic excitement that you can achieve sticking you lens out from under a duvet!
After a little break there is a new Challenge over at A True Friend - this time it's all about how your pet makes you laugh - here's my page!


Lou Collins said...

Glad you're feeling better, love the LO, and the horns!! X

willowthewysp said...

Hugs hun,,,hope you are back to good health soon!
Loving the cute!!
Off to check out 'a true friend'

{ Emma } said...

So glad you're feeling better, lovely LO. XXX