Thursday, 5 February 2009

In Search Of.... ISO

There's a fun new challenge over at Scrap Schemes  - here's my page, featuring my photo from a couple of weekends ago with Martha enjoying Dancing on Ice. As much as I enjoy inking/flocking through old sequin waste, and as much as I say it's hideous in it's raw form.... I think secretly I loves it!
Tonight was Hydrotherapy night for Lola, we ventured off into deepest darkest West (well ok mid) Dorset afraid that it would still be knee deep in snow, but weirdly my little village is the snowiest place for miles around! Lola features in my pic of the day - it's surprisigly bad light and I was using my old 400D rather than the 40D that can handle higher ISO's much better - so it's a bit noisy - my tip if you have to use a higher ISO (which I much prefer to blur thankyou very much!) is to enbrace the noise and go for a nice grungy mono-coversion!
In the pool room it's really quite hot - and coming from the brass monkey weather outside resulted in a nicely fogged lens/viewfinder and sensor! It took and age to de-mist... Note to self - stuff camera down cleavage in cold weather!
Not to be left out I grabbed a couple of pics of Marth once I go home.. love those big squishy nostrils!


Lou Collins said...

Awww...just love those gorgeous big brown eyes!Have entered the scrap schemes challenge again, fingers xed! Love your LO. Thinking I could do with some Hydrotherepy too, or even too mins to grab a warm bath would be nice! x

Debbie said...

The subject of your LO is quality!! Love it & I am with Martha in loving that programme. Love your doggie pics!