Saturday, 23 February 2008

Ramblings and requests

Another pic of gorgeous Lola, it was a bit dull and drizzly to get out and about with the camera, although Lola went for her short (muscle building) walk and Martha went socialising! Took her to the pet shop to buy biscuits and she also wandered around outside Hobbycraft - i so want to try to smuggle her in! Also had a swim and walkies up in the New Forest!
Did some scrapping this evening with my favourite aunt, nearly got two pages finished - far too much chatting and laughing going on!
If anyone reading this is going to Crufts on the Saturday, let me know... Although Martha has qualified (and is entered) i've decided not to take her. She's got a bald patch on her muzzle from a folicle 'thing' so i've decided it's a very long day and long drive if she's not looking 'perfect!' So if anyone needs a ticket for the Saturday, let me know! I need someone to pick up my catalogue for me, so i'd be willing to let the ticket go for a bargain price if i get a willing volunteer!


Jo said...

Now I'm the one whose jealous of YOU scrappin with Sandie!! he he x

Anita said...

Glad you and your fave aunt had a great evening ! Hope you find someone to get your catalogue for you... xx