I finally got round to scanning some of my recent pages, lots more seemed to be reluctant to scan sensibly so hidden they'll have to stay! I'm not giving them a second chance! Lots of these are using the March Studio Calico kit of which I only have a few dregs left!
Sudio Calico March plus some yummy trim.
Dreamstreet papers and some of my Prima mountain!
Studio Calico again
And again!
Hambley, KI and various bits and pieces
More SC!
Yet more!
More SC (Do you see a pattern emerging here?)
Yes... and more! plus some trims and ribbons I 'aquired' from my fave Auntie!
And some more!
Scenic Route Grafton and a plethora of flowers and scary big gems from the year dot, which i'm loving at the moment!
More SC!
Yes... more!
Scenic Route and Hambley, this one was for the 'Lavender Lovlies' challenge over on UKS a couple of weeks ago! Sorry I'm rubbish at uploading Anita!
Do I even need to say?.... SC!
After all those i've realised how much i've managed to chop bits off when scanning! You'll just have to take my word for it that they make sense in real like!
Hi Katy
These are beuatiful pages. Who are Studio Calico and do they have a website
Take care
Excellent lo's. beautiful photos,pretty colours, I like then all.
Awesome layouts! And so many! I have that same cut out paper with the flowers. Thanks so much for the inspiration!
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