Had a lovely email today from a fellow Newfy owner (Hi Kay!) who has been inspired to start scrapping due to little ol' me (and probably more importantly by my girls!) after a busy, busy couple of weeks, it's so wonderful to be reminded what lovely people scrappers are! I'm finding some other people quite challenging at the moment, but every single one of my scrapping pals just keeps on amazing me with their warmth and genuine nature. The same can of course be said of Newf owners! I think you have to be a special person to share your life completely with one (or quite often more!) of these wonderful creatures! If it's not too cliched, I'm thankful today for the good people in my life!

I think i'm probably still recovering from a hectic week.... it's only 9.30pm and I'm considering a *REALLY* early night!
Martha looks happy and very wet,great photo for scrapping.
Fab photo of gorgeous Martha!
I had a big sleep yesterday too - its the hot weather! Us Brits are such light-weights LOL!
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