Tuesday, 13 January 2009

Double Trouble...

With a 365 it's inevitable that during the winter months you are going to need to take lots of pictures indoors... and to that end it's only a matter of time before the breakfast shot... so here for you viewing pleasure are my morning Shreddies... or more accurately in these hard-credit crunch times... Malt Wheats from Morissons...they're half the price don't you know!
As much as a 50mm is a must have, an ultra-wide lens is great fun to have in your camera bag. Mine is the Sigma 10-20mm and I took my 'Martha' pic using it today. It's the same lens that I used for my Jan 1st pic - so you get sensible landscapes and fun super wide candids all with one lens. Today my pic features both of my girls - I think Lola's felt a bit left out of pictures so muscled in with her sister today. Check out all that gorgeous slobber!
My page to share today features Martha settiling down to watch TV... using my leg as a perfect head-rest. The cute little felt-embellishments are Chatterbox. I love the cute scallopy border especially.

1 comment:

Debbie said...

Love the shot of Martha & Lola. I can relate to all that drawl, especially when its hanging from the ceiling...LOL..