Friday, 30 January 2009


It's officially back to being nippy again - there's even a risk of snow in the early part of next week so i've been forced to break out my lovely knitted hat again - my photograph today shows it up close and personal. It looks pretty strange to see it so close up because it's knitted with quite thin wool but this makes it look really chunky!
Of course Newfie's couldn't care less about a bit of cold -whatever the weather it's fine for a quick paddle... my Martha pic today is her giving her paws a jolly good lick to clean/dry them off afterwards....
I'm off out in the morning to pick myself up some nice sturdy walking boots - mine gave up a while ago and i've been making-do with trainers - not ideal in the wet and mud! I'm notorious for tripping/sliding over (often helped by a big do, it has to be said!) and the last straw was this afternoon after work when I nearly went over in a nice big floody puddle as I sneaked towards a herd of deer... not a good idea when you are wielding a great big camera/lens! Look out Millets - here I come!

1 comment:

: Emma : said...

I have to say Katy I absolutely LOVE your dogs! They are so adorable. I love reading about them and they seem to have such cute personalties! If I didn't have any animals of my own I think I would be tempted to buy one of these big, fluffy, loveable creatures!!!