Sunday, 3 August 2008

Fowl Weather....

A brightish start to the day saw Lola happily posing with some new friends in the garden. She loves watching their funny ways!
And the girls love watching her too! They aren't in the least bit scared! Here's Valerie having a peek at her!

This afternoon Martha visisted a local fun dog show... the biggest shocker was that she behaved like a little angel! She had loads of fun snuffling all the other dogs!
Out this evening at Sandies' for a rained off Barbeque, it was pretty foul (fowl?) tonight and although it was an early one, by the time I got home at 8.45pm the chickens had already taken themselves off to bed! Bless!


Anita said...

Lovely piccies with the ladies and Lola, Katy . They all look really at home together.
Glad to see the chicken house is am Omlet one , I said to Paul I was sure it was , I did plenty of research when I tried to convince him a while back .... hmmm....
Shame about the BBQ tonight butglad thatMartha had a nice time at the show !
See you soon. x

In and Out of the Garden said...

The chicken house looks smashing!
and the girls look gorgous.
A bit worried about foxy loxy though but if the house is fox proof then they will be ok. He is a wiley one though!

Sandie Da Silva said...

theyre getting so good at going to bed. clever!!

Looby said...

what great pics! they certainly seem fascinated by each other!!