Saturday, 13 June 2015

Checking In - 2015 Targets

At the beginning of the year I set myself a couple of targets for my running - a couple of time goals and a total distance goal for the year. I'm happy to report that with 201 days left of 2015 I'm on the verge of hitting 50% of my goal distance of 1000k for the year!

Considering that January and February were rather injury ridden I'm pretty darn happy to have hit this milestone already. 

I'm about to get back to doing proper long runs on the weekend as part of my Half marathon training (after the next couple of weekends with races on the agenda) so I'm hopeful that I'm on track to succeed.

My other goals were to hit a sub-28min 5K and a sub 58min 10K. I achieved the first of these in April with a new 5K PB of 27m 55secs and am hopeful of beating my 10K target with my PB currently sitting at 58m 59secs. Once I hit them both I guess I just have to set myself some more goals!

Juneathon update - Rest day today as I'm running a 10K race tomorrow - but I did manage 5 miles of talking including a vigorous beach walk with the girls!

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