Monday, 1 June 2015

Juneathon - Getting Active in June!

Today sees the start of two events both connected to running and getting active – one of my favourite things!

First up is the start of Juneathon – It’s a month long challenge (if you hadn’t already guessed!) to run or get active every single day in June – the only catch being is that you need to blog (or micro blog on twitter – use #juneathon) about your activity every day too!

What better way to keep yourself accountable? It’s also the perfect reason to flood your various social media timelines with your athletic prowess!

Find out more plus how to get involved here. If you are getting involved with Juneathon leave me a comment so I can pop over and take a look at what you’ve been up to.

Next is the beginning of Women’s Sport Week – starting today until the 7th June it’s a wonderful opportunity for raising awareness and increasing the profile of women’s sport across the UK by everybody involved with participating (that means you and me!) delivering, leading and working in sport.

It’s being led by Women in Sport and supported by many governing bodies, as well as Sky Sports, the BBC, Sport England (the people who brought us This Girl Can) and many more supporters across the sporting world.

My favourite read on day one is this wonderful BBC feature all about some inspirational current sporting stars (including Paula Radcliffe) talking about their own sporting idols.

 You can follow the week using #WSW2015 across social media.

 So for my first day of Juneathon I was up bright and early (you can tell it’s early around these parts when the dogs and the chickens are reluctant to get up) and popped down to my local 6.30am yoga class. I’m very new to yoga and I’m definitely still learning but I’m sure I can already feel a difference. I’ve got awful upper body strength, weak glutes and tight hips which I’m sure have all been contributing to some niggly running injuries of late. I’m sure in only the few weeks I’ve been doing yoga that I can already notice a difference in those little aches and pains.

I really enjoy the early class as it wakes you up in a gentle but invigorating way and I feel like I’m better placed to tackle the inevitable stresses that hit the second you walk through the door at work. I’m lucky to only live a 5 or so minute walk from the venue so it’s extra relaxing not to have to contend with school traffic!

Today’s new poses to get to grips with were fish, dolphin and plow – I was definitely better at plow out of these three!

I’ll tell you more about how I’m using Yoga to help with my running later in the month.


Joanne Mallon said...

eek! 6:30am! I think I'm doing well if I get up in time to book a gym class online at this time (it's when booking opens so you have to be fast for popular ones), but that's as much movement as I can manage.

This is my first ever Juneathon and I only heard about it last night so I have no idea at all about what to expect. Looking forward to reading more of your posts.

Unknown said...

I've just decided to write a essay for me create a blog, which I have been wanting to do for a while. Thanks for this post, it's really useful!

Wol14m said...

Both events were great, but is was not a lot of people. I recommend organizers to hire PR-managers next time, to have more people. They can find them by looking at zipjob reviews here TopResumeWritingServices