Friday, 12 June 2015

Rain Runner

Friday is definitely my preferred day to run to work. It sets me up nicely for the weekend and somehow even after a good primping I also look a bit more dishevelled than usual  (especially when I’m changing into clothes that live in a desk drawer!) and that’s a whole lot less noticeable on dress down Friday.

Today it also serves the purpose of making sure I’m not tempted to pop along to a local 10K race this evening – I’m running in the Southampton leg of the Women's Running 10K series on Sunday and two races in a weekend is a little nuts!

I set off this morning to cloudy skies, but with no rain forecast till tonight I was hopeful that the weather would be kind to me. I was wrong.

About 3.5K into my 8.5K commute the heavens opened. 

Running in the rain isn't something I do that often. I rarely set off for a run if  it's already raining, but of course every British runner gets caught out on an all too frequent basis. If I know rain is forecast I slap on my trusty running cap. Mine is a Gap G-stride cap and while it's not currently on the UK Gap site, there are plenty more similar ones out there.

Of course Mr Hat was safely tucked away in my bag at home so today I just embraced the rain! Once you're wet, there really is no point in worrying as there is no getting wetter! This is the point where the fun kicks in! Splashing through the puddles is strangely appealing and the rain definitely cools you down and spurs you onward!

Happy running everyone!

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